

香港生物科技協會是一個獨立的非營利組織 (根據《稅務條例》第 88 條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構),其宗旨是在生物科技行業中推廣最佳實踐,促進生物科技的發展。鼓勵並促成國際間的合作,同時為其成員(無論是學生,研究人員,企業家,行業團體,公共部門還是私營部門的代表)提供專業的觀點與技術建議。

Founded by pioneering scientists with extensive life science backgrounds and multi-cultural experience in research and development, engineering and business. Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization aims to establish and facilitate a worldwide platform for the Hong Kong biotech industry, promote awareness, encouraging and enabling international collaboration. We also provide informed opinion and technical advice to government bodies, healthcare institutions and the general public.


The biotechnology industry requires great connectivity among its different and diverse stakeholders to establish collaborations, strategic alliances, knowledge exchange and equipment sharing. The lack of a comprehensive biotechnology industry directory in the Greater Bay Area imposes an invisible barrier to local and overseas SME biotech companies. HKBIO is now composing a Biotechnology Industry Directory which aims to address this invisible barrier by capturing a complete statistical picture, creating a comprehensive overview, and providing a quick, easy and comprehensive search for companies and organizations of the broad dynamic biotech industry in Hong Kong.


  • 入選首個綜合性大灣區生物科技名錄
  • 大灣區是全球增長最快的生物科技和醫藥市場,香港是當今全球第二大生物科技IPO市場
  • 從行業中突出您的公司
  • 潛在客戶更容易接觸到您的業務
  • 了解您的競爭對手和類似公司
  • 確定潛在合作夥伴